Sunday, November 15, 2009

Some great news to share. The doctors are confident that Abby does NOT have an infection. Don't know the specifics but that's all I want to know. We are extremely relieved to say the least! Abby has been a little fussier than usual today. I just happened to look in her mouth and noticed two teeth making their appearance. The fussiness, along with the diarrhea and fever and loss of appetite should have given it away but all symptoms this week have been attributed to the surgery. And I will have to say one thing...she has handled this week with style and grace. She is one tough cookie!! Way to go Abby!


  1. Tanya and Kevin, please know that Ron and I are following Abby's progress and we are SO VERY PLEASED to hear that there is no sign of infection and that her recovery is progressing. We can't be with you, but please know that we have you, Kevin, Abby, and Norah in our constant thoughts and prayers. Dot and Ron

  2. Please know that Ron and I have all of you in our thoughts and prayers daily. It's so great to have your blog to hear the updates. Even though we haven't called or written, please know that you are all constantly in our thoughts. We are cheering Abby on!
